Tuesday September 24, 2019 at 1:02pm
Virtual Reality(VR) videos provide one of the most immersive methods of viewing a design concept and can be used to bring your product showcases to the next level. Recently VR has become a valuable tool for many companies when it comes to design reviews and interactive product training.
Read on to learn how to export 360VR videos using SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
To create a Virtual Reality 360 video you will need go
through the following steps:
1. On the Camera tab inside Visualize select the General tab and change
camera type to 360.

2. Select Output Tools > Animation, then ensure that ‘Adjust
for Virtual Reality playback on social media’ is checked. Specify the length of your VR
animation under Frame Range and the press Start Animation Render.

3. As ‘Adjust for Virtual Reality playback on
social media’ has been checked this animation can be uploaded to YouTube. If
you are using a Virtual Reality Headset or Google Cardboard, when you load the video you will get
the option to change the view to suit.

The method described will create a 360 VR
environment for a single camera view. If you want to create a VR environment which changes camera
views, you can render out multiple 360 cameras as a standard Render rather than
Animation, ensuring that ‘Adjust for Virtual Reality playback on social media’
is still checked on.
These can then be spliced together in a video editing
software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro. The final video will then need to be 360 enabled before uploading to YouTube. To do so you
can use the 360 Video Metadata App outlined here.
Play the video below if you'd like to check out an example of a 360º VR video produced using SOLIDWORKS Visualize.