Thursday June 7, 2018 at 11:58am
The SOLIDWORKS certification program is a great way to test competency and efficiency in the software. It's the only industry recognised SOLIDWORKS accreditation and a great addition to your CV.
SOLIDWORKS certification program is a great way to test competency and efficiency in the software. It's the only industry recognised SOLIDWORKS
accreditation and a great addition to your CV.

customers can attempt the CSWP or CSWA free of charge, as well as any one of
the CSWP industry specific modules. You need to sign into the SOLIDWORKS
Customer portal to access the current SOLIDWORKS Certification promotional codes.
Online Resources
have created two videos to help prepare you for certifications:
- SOLIDWORKS Certifications - Learn about the exam format and
how to purchase.
- Certify your SOLIDWORKS Skills - Tips to best
prepare you before taking the exams.
Aimed primarily at students leaving education as a great addition
to their CV. The exam tests competencies in solid, assembly modelling and
drawing fundamentals. Focusing on design intent and ability to maintain robust
As a Certified SOLIDWORKSAssociate (CSWA), you will stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive job market.
The CSWA certification is proof of your SOLIDWORKS expertise with cutting-edge
skills that businesses seek out and reward.
SOLIDWORKS Professional - CSWP
The most recognised of all the exams. CSWP is split into 3
segments totalling 3.5 hours testing part modelling, editing parts and assembly
creation. Professional exams can also be taken on industry specific elements.
a Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP), you will prove your ability to
design and analyse parametric parts and moveable assemblies using a variety of
complex features in SOLIDWORKS software. On top of this Professional exams can
also be taken on industry specific elements of the software: Sheet Metal,
Weldments, Surfacing, Mold Tools, Drawings & Simulation.
The pinnacle of the SOLIDWORKS exams, and quite rightly tough to
achieve. As well as the 85% pass mark, to even qualify to attempt the CSWE
exam, users must have passed the CSWP and 4 of the CSWP industry specific
As a Certified SOLIDWORKSExpert (CSWE), you will be well rounded in your knowledge of all areas of the
SOLIDWORKS software. You will be able to solve practically any modelling
problem given to you and will traditionally be the go-to SOLIDWORKS user among
your colleagues.
Abbey Martin
Technical Marketing Engineer