Tuesday July 19, 2016 at 4:46pm
Yesterday was a big day for achievements by our extremely talented technical team here at Solid Solutions.
5 of our team were awarded the coveted Elite Applications Engineer status which is in recognition of exceptional SOLIDWORKS skills.
Yesterday was a big day for achievements by our extremely talented technical team here at Solid Solutions.
5 of our team were awarded the coveted Elite Applications Engineer status which is in recognition of exceptional SOLIDWORKS skills. To achieve this, Applications Engineers must prove their expertise in both depth and breadth of the software.
Julie Weir

In the UK, Julie is the first female to be nominated for Elite AE status and is one of very few female elites Worldwide!
“I joined Solid Solutions in January 2015 after achieving a Masters in Mechanical Engineering. Since then I have developed a keen interest in using the Simulation side of the software and have enjoyed working towards this goal.
I am very proud to be the first female Elite in the UK and have no doubt that more women will achieve this in the coming years. I look forward to celebrating at SOLIDWORKS World!”
Patrick Musgrave

“I joined SSM two years ago after graduating from Leeds University with a Masters in Mechatronics & Robotics, since joining I’ve been able to take on a wide variety of topics thanks to my mixed discipline background.
I foolishly thought that my exam days might be over after University but in fact they were just getting started, though after passing over 25 exams to reach this milestone maybe I’ve earned myself a few beers and a bit of a break.”
David Robertson

“I started with SSM in mid-August 2015 and it’s taken me 10 and a half months to reach Elite status. I came from a mixed background of Academics, Automotive and Motorsport engineering, specialising in aerodynamics/Flow Simulation and now SOLIDWORKS Simulation as well.
Gaining Elite status was the goal from very start back in August and now the hard work has paid off to achieve it in less than a year.”
Rodion Radchenko

"I started in August 2015 and currently based in Leeds. The Elite award
was a great stimulus to learn a broad range of skills required for the job. My
Aerospace Engineering degree helped greatly in achieving Elite this year!"
Nick Jones

The crystals will be given at SOLIDWORKS World Los Angeles in February next year and will be added to the 25 others we have in our team trophy cabinets.
We are very proud of the fact that we have more SOLIDWORKS Elite Applications Engineers (30 now in total) than any other reseller worldwide! In fact, to date, we not only top the worldwide league table, we have twice as many as the next highest reseller (a US reseller). We also have over three times as many as the next highest reseller in the UK.