Friday October 17, 2014 at 10:25am
Have you recently broken your new phone by sitting on it accidently? SOLIDWORKS Simulation can help prevent design flaws by stress testing components in a virtual environment to prevent the costly process of trying to correct faults after manufacture.
Sitting on your phone isn’t a good idea. But if you did, you’d hope it would survive
the impact! 
SOLIDWORKS Simulation can help prevent design flaws by
stress testing components in a virtual environment to prevent the costly
process of trying to correct faults after manufacture.
Applying a bend load
to simulate someone sitting one your phone can be done easily in SOLIDWORKS. In the video below you can see how applying
the load is able to permanently bend the phone out of shape after it’s been sat
From looking at this you’d then be able to re-design the
part many times to make it strong enough for the job. So you can be more confident that the product
won’t break before giving the go-ahead!
Craig Hudson
Elite Applications Engineer